Henan Museum
Floral and Fruit Album by Li Shan of Qing Dynasty
Edit: acf
Time: 2021-11-25 16:40:49
Period: The Spring of the Sixth Year of Yongzheng Period (1728 CE)
Provenance: From the Henan Provincial Working Crew of the Cultural Relics in 1953
Measurements: Width: 38 cm, Height: 30.8 cm
Period: The Spring of the Sixth Year of Yongzheng Period (1728 CE)
Provenance: From the Henan Provincial Working Crew of the Cultural Relics in 1953
Measurements: Width: 38 cm, Height: 30.8 cm

Li Shan, famous painter of Qing dynasty, was the magistrate of the Teng county in Shandong. He was known for his integrity in politics, and his closeness to civilians during his tenure. In his later years, he lived in seclusion, engaged chanting poems and paintings. As an expert in painting flowers, birds, orchids and bamboo in freehand, he was labeled as one of the "Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou".

The album was painted in spring, of the sixth year of the Yongzheng period during the Qing Dynasty, and is considered one of Li Shan’s more mature works. Each of its eight leaves bear the painter’s signature, seals, and inscriptions; The inscriptions on the first seven leafs are poems, while the last bears the date. Each painting in the album has been created in the respective order of using flowers, bonsai, and fruits as subjects. There are also others such as bamboo shoots, wheat, cherry, scallion, ginger, pomegranate, pine, etc. All are great works that combine the styles of sketching and freehand.