Henan Museum
No. 353 of Lectures on Chinese Ancient Civilization: The legend of Chinese character - the search for Cangjie in remote antiquity
Edit: Lmy
Time: 2023-08-10 10:21:16

商代带卜辞甲骨 殷墟博物苑藏_proc.jpg

Oracle bones of Shang dynasty, collected by Yin Ruins Museum

Topic: The legend of Chinese character - the search for Cangjie in remote antiquity

Speaker: Wang Yunzhi, chief expert of Key Research Institute of Yellow River Civilization and Sustainable Development, Henan University and chair of Henan Provincial Written Language Association

Date: at 3:00pm on August 12

Location: Multi-function hall

How to Attend: Please scan the code below to skip to the Museum's WeChat official account, and make your reservation!


Tel: 0371-63582521