Henan Museum
Henan Museum wins awards at Museum Expo
Edit: Liu
Time: 2024-09-26 10:37:11

The 10th Chinese Museums and Relevant Products and Technologies Exposition(hereafter referred as Museum Expo) was held at Chilechuan International Exhibition and Convention Center in Hohhot from Aug 23 to 26, at which Henan Museum won three awards: the Best Organizer, the Best Digital Display Practice and the Best Educational Activity Practice.


Henan Museum won three honors

Alliance of museums in Henan won the Best Organizer award

Relying on Cultural Products Committee, Museum Institute of Henan, a total of 17 museums including Henan Museum, National Museum of Chinese Writing, Yinxu Museum, Luoyang Museum and Zhoukou Museum, made their appearances at this Museum Expo. These museums have presented their own features and rich cultural heritage in their region.

“An invitation for you to Han dynasty manor” won the Best Digital Display Practice award

Henan Museum and Zhuhai 4D Age Network Technology Co., Ltd. jointly created a digital exhibition themed on "An invitation for you to Han dynasty manor", showing the life scenes in Han dynasty. Based on the three-dimensional model of a pottery manor from the Han dynasty, it builds a three-dimensional virtual exhibition space of the manor with a structure of three-entry courtyard, which offers guidance to the audiences to experience the everyday life in Han dynasty manor in this virtual narrative space by online interaction.

“An animal world in bronze objects” won the Best Educational Activity Practice award


In this educational activity, the museum teacher guided the children to learn about animal-shaped bronze objects, observe and recognize the animal design and ornamentation on the bronze wares, deeply carrying on analysis of their cultural backgrounds and symbolic meanings. Meanwhile, the children were encouraged to use their imagination and creativity to create unique-particular handicrafts with animal patterns combining traditional elements and modern tastes.