Henan Museum
No. 320 of Lectures on Chinese Ancient Civilization: Future protection and inheritance of cultural heritage
Edit: Lmy
Time: 2021-05-19 16:55:38

Topic: Future protection and inheritance of cultural heritage

Speaker: Liu Junmin, director of center for cultural heritage protection and planning, Northwest University; Professor and doctoral supervisor, Northwest University; 

Date: at 3:00pm on May 22 

Location: Multi-function hall 

How to Attend: Please scan the code below to skip to the Museum's WeChat official account , and make your reservation!

Tel: 0371-63582521

Cultural heritage is not only the common wealth of human beings, but also the significant basis of human. In its 5000-year civilization, China has countless cultural heritages, among which you may have heard of the Great Wall, Classical gardens of Suzhou, the Palace Museum, Mo Kao Grotto at Dunhuang, and the Yin Ruin at Anyang, etc. Each cultural heritage is both a fragment of history life and the carrier of national spirits. What on earth the "cultural heritage" we are protecting is? How to protect them in the new era? And how to view the relationships between cultural heritage protection and regional growth? If you're interested, welcome to the Henan Museum to find your answers.